03 December, 2007

Why Cash Crate and Treasure Trooper aren't as great as everyone says...

Do you like giving out your personal information including credit card numbers to various companies who may or may not be legitimate? Do you like getting a lot of spam in your email inbox? How about calling umpteen different companies to cancel "free" trials? If you are anything like me you do not like any of these things.

While these sites sound good on the surface, the only way to make any real money there is to 1. Have a lot of referrals. or 2. Sign up for a lot of things you may or may not be interested in. The biggest downside is that if you sign up for a free trial and don't want to keep it, you must cancel within a certain number of days in order to not be charged. I don't know about you, but my memory is not that good. In order to keep all your cancellation dates straight you would have to basically chain yourself to a calendar so you didn't miss one.

There are a lot of way better sites out there that are easier to make money on. I would strongly advise against joining either of these two sites.

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