05 February, 2008

I've been busy!

Well, I have to get the totals updated on the right but I have been working a lot the last few weeks and haven't had a lot of time. I have just finished totaling the month of January. It looks like my merchandise total for the month was about $50, my gift card total was $4, and my cash earnings were $73.31.

In January I made cash out on quite a few of my sites bringing my cash paid total to almost $250!

Every month, as I work the kinks out, find new programs, and cut the ones that aren't working, I am making more and more money.

I am getting free products, samples, gift cards, and cash just for reading emails, testing products and viewing ads! What could be better than that.

As 2008 progresses, I hope that you continue to follow me on my money making journey.

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